Our Services
Quality and Business Excellence Solutions
1. Innovation Management Strategy
There is extensive evidence all over the world of businesses that have stopped operating because of lack of innovation. This is a business tragedy! We have a sustainable solution for that with our 45 power point consulting slides of innovation management strategy that contains a model with seven (7) steps, tools and 25 innovation management processes. We will help your organization to be innovative by focusing on all components of Innovation Management system as prescribed in ISO 56001. We start by conducting a comprehensive assessment using our innovation management survey instrument and then we use the survey results to indicate our clients’ current innovation status using our innovation assessment maturity metrics.
Innovation Management Model

Innovation Strategic Process

2. Customer Value Proposition Creation Model
Every business wants to satisfy its clients and make huge sales consistently but that is not always the case. This is because many businesses cannot retain their clients mainly because of customer dissatisfaction due to services and products that have lost value and that are not attractive to customers. Worryingly, most of these businesses are unable to innovate and recreate value to improve the demand of their products and services. With our value proposition creation model, we will be able to help you to regain your competitive edge and enjoy increased sales and improved customer satisfaction. We start by helping our clients to determine exact customer expectations (needs) and once they have been identified then we can deduce value in terms of the products or services they want (functional value) and how they expect to be treated (emotional value).
Equally important is the aesthetic and hygiene environment (symbolic value) of the business and the pricing strategy (economic value) that is congruent with the level of quality provided by the business. Correct combination of all or part of these elements will result into a business that provide superior value than its competitors. Moreover, this superior value translates directly to quality products/services and sustainable competitive edge. We have 40 consulting power point slides of customer value creation strategy with a model that has nine (9) phases and 18 processes that we use to help organizations to have attractive products and services so that they have accurate value propositions.
Customer Value Proposition Model

Detailed Customer Value Proposition Model

3. Culture Transformation Strategy
Many organizations are not performing to their best ability because of unproductive culture and they fail to consistently provide their customers with quality services and products and that threatens their sustainability. We have 50 consulting power point slides of culture transformational strategy with a model that has four (4) phases, 20 practical transformational tools, 12 processes and 3 types of results driven modern cultures that your organization can choose from as it transforms its culture. We are scientific and robust in our approach because we start by conducting a comprehensive culture assessment using our readily made culture survey instrument and then we use culture assessment maturity metrics to provide our clients with their current culture state. We move on to collaboratively identify the root causes of a poor culture and develop an improvement program to create a new excellence culture using best practice tools and techniques.
Culture Transformation Model

We understand the complexity of changing an organizational culture and we have made it simple for you by modelling these results driven modern cultures that suit current competitive and complex businesses environment. Excellence oriented businesses have a defined culture that drives performance, we will help you define and institutionalize the culture that is suitable to your business core mandate.

TQM Culture

4. Leadership Transformation Strategy
Leadership is a leading enabler of excellence! Organizations need a clear direction and positive influence from their leaders to reach high altitudes. Where there is no adequate leadership, employees tend to loose direction and commitment to the organization strategic objectives and Vision. Ultimately, this lead to consistent poor results and high customer complaints that destroys the organization image. We have 40 consulting power point slides of leadership transformational strategy with a model that has four (4) phases, 22 practical transformational tools, 12 core processes and we strongly advice organizations to adopt either: 1. Responsive and responsible leadership style 2. Swarm leadership style or 3. Collective leadership style because they are the current effective modern leadership styles using in the world.
Leadership Transformation Model

Excellence Leadership Techniques

Modern Leadership Styles
Leadership has evolved, we have modelled highly effective leadership styles used in the fourth Industrial revolution so that we can help your business to have a defined leadership system.
Responsive and Responsible Leadership

Swarm Leadership

5. Excellence Management Systems
Business excellence model is an integrated leadership and management system that describe how to manage the essential elements of the organization system that generate value and attain sustainable performance. Its main purpose is to help management to have an excellence standard that specify operational excellence requirements and that create an environment of continuous improvement at all levels of the organization and deliver sustainable performance. African Excellence Model recognize that excellence is attained in two ways: excellence in operations and excellence in results. That is why the management system is based on the causality philosophy of enabling criteria’s and results criteria each taking 500 excellence points and cumulative total of 1000 excellence points. We will help you to develop business excellence structural design such as a formal support structure, resources, processes and assessment tools used to assist the organization to implement excellence management system. These components are interlinked and they accelerate the excellence journey of the organization if applied appropriately.
Benefits of adopting a Business Excellence Model

African Excellence Model
This is an integrated African based logical and integrated enterprise-wide excellence management system that describes the system enabling criteria (operational excellence) and results criteria of excellence. African Excellence Model has been accepted as one of the best model that embrace humanity, trinity and high level of excellence by the Global Excellence Council. African organizations that adopt this management framework commit to operate at high culture of excellence with an intention to attain sustainable superior results and they subscribe to be a member of African Excellence Forum. As a member of African Excellence Forum we will help you implement this excellence management system, its toolset and digital system.
African Excellence Model

African Excellence Model Assessment Metrics

6. Total Quality Management System
There is positive correlation between high quality, customer satisfaction and business profitability. Total Quality Management (TQM) is the most effective management system that entrench quality in the entire organization to effectively and efficiently achieve organization objectives so as to provide services and products with the level of quality that satisfies and exceed customer expectations at a low price the first time. Quality management is everyone’s business and it should be incorporated into employees’ DNA and service contracts. We have highly qualified and experienced experts in quality management to conduct quality assessment of your organization and provide the current quality status and we will help you to develop quality policy, quality objectives, quality plan and guide you in its deployment, monitoring and evaluation. We have 50 consulting power point slides that have TQM framework with important four (4) PDCA phases, and TQM model with seven (7) criteria’s and four (4) drivers. Furthermore, we have TQM structural design plan and processes that we use to help you establish Quality Management Department/Unit and integrate it in the entire organization.
Total Quality Management Framework

Total Quality Management Model

7. Mindset Change and Organisation Excellence Model
The success of any organizations is highly reliant on the patterns of thinking of its members. Thriving organization are those that have leaders and employees with advanced mental models who are able to accurately interpret the business environment and make sensible decisions consistently. The way we think and reason if it is not up to date then it is a big threat to business sustainability. People improve their mindset when they learn new mental models, best practices and embrace a culture of continual improvement. Organisations that have employees with cutting-edge mental models are able to ideate, analyse and choose the best alternatives, react correctly to future situations before they arise, use knowledge to generate intelligence insights about the future and gain competitive edge.
One of the major challenges organisation have is to improve its people mental models and unfortunately most training and development initiatives that employees are taken to cannot provide that. This is because they are taught old frameworks, models and theories that are misaligned to the current VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world. As a result their patterns of thinking become misaligned with real reality and organisations with members like that are characterised by firefighting management styles and huge sum of money channelled to problem solving and unreliable performance. We have 40 training consulting slides for you to modernise the way your employees think and reason so that you build unmatched internal competency that delivers excellence results consistently.
Mindset Change and Organisation Excellence Model

Mindset Change and Organisational Excellence Model Elements

8. Entrepreneurship Excellence Model
This is a model of entrepreneurship for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) that aspires to grow and attain world excellence status. It consists of best international business practices, principles, drivers, KPIs and performance measurement metrics required to achieve superior business results. It is a detailed step by step guide on what it takes to start a business, build operational excellence system, innovate and offer quality products and services. This model is based on Plan Do Check Act quality framework which emphasizes the need to use best approaches when planning and implementing entrepreneurship practices and continually improving to attain better scores using model scoring point’s metrics. Moreover, it has entrepreneurship tools and continual improvement plans that SME entrepreneurs can readily use on their day-to-day operational activities to sustain their operational excellence and is aligned to United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).
Entrepreneurship Excellence Model

9. Strategy Development and Deployment Services
Strategy development is a planning process of determining and developing value required by stakeholders through strategic initiatives and strategy implementation is how the deployment of those strategic initiatives create and deliver that value. There are different frameworks used however it is advisable that the process must be simplified so that everyone fit in. The business environment is more volatile and complex than before and it is advisable to invest more time in strategic analysis so that the organization can make relevant and accurate strategic choices. Implementation of these strategic choices requires businesses to adopt operational technology and collaborate with stakeholders to effectively implement their strategic projects. We have 40 consulting power point slides of strategy development and deployment with a model that has three (3) phases, 27 core processes and seventeen (17) tools to help you manage your strategy.
Strategy Development and Implementation Process

Strategy Development and Implementation Tools

Research and Training
We offer a range of corporate training and certification services as well as research services in the following areas;

Training and Certification
- Quality Management
- Business Excellence Model
- Leadership Systems
- Six Sigma Green Belt
- Cost of Poor Quality
- Operational Excellence
- Business Process Management
- Entrepreneurship Excellence Model
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Strategy Planning and Implementation
- Customer Journey Mapping
- Service Quality
- Change Management
- Talent Management
- Culture Alignment
- Performance Management

- Customer Satisfaction Surveys
- Customer Needs Analysis
- Market Research